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Gravity Sketch
VR - Lobby Project
User Experience | User Interviews | UX Design | Virtual Reality
Iterating and testing plan

We planned iterations and testing in 2 weeks cycles. We were brainstorming and designing ideas in the first week, building small prototypes with devs in the second week, and using third and fourth week to test those ideas internally and with users.

User Interviews
The lobby is crucial in experiencing Gravity Sketch and we determined two main scenarios we wanted to focus on: Onboarding and Workflow.
We engaged with Gravity Sketch user base on Instagram, Discord and some private channels and selected a number of users.
Our goal was to interview 8 new users in order to observe how they approached the software at early stage ( onboarding ), and 8 experienced users to see what problems they had in managing their files and organising their work ( workflow ).
We designed the interviews to be around 45 minutes long, during which we asked new user to complete simple tasks such as opening a new session, saving a file and locating that in the lobby, deleting a file, moving around the lobby. For experienced users the test was focused on more advanced workflow such as exporting and importing assets, saving a file locally and in the cloud, making folder and navigating into them, identifying files through thumbnails.
Interviews gave us a very good insight on how new and experienced users dealt with the software and the lobby. New users were struggling with spatial awareness and didn't pick at least 70% of the lobby features. Experienced users were pretty confident but admitted that the learning curve was a bit too long, and they were experiencing some crucial blockages in workflow.
Qualitative Data and Feedback
We gathered all the qualitative data and feedback and we organised it in categories:
Workflow Issues
Navigation Issues
Iconography unclearness
Hidden features / Not obvious functionality
Look and layout issues
Interaction Issues
Experience rating
Quick wins

Project Overview
User Interviews
Project Overview
Gravity Sketch is a design software that works in virtual reality and allows designers to sketch their ideas directly in 3D. Due to the unconventional nature of the application, which works in VR, designing a smooth user experience was a big challenge. We took the opportunity to iterate and test a lot of sections and features of the software in order to better achieve usability and user experience.
This project focused on the lobby redesign of the Gravity Sketch VR software.
We wanted to understand what paint points and workflow blocks users were experiencing and re-think the lobby into a more user-friendly experience. We run several user interviews, focused on the UX and built a prototype.
Interface iterations
Iterating and prototyping was not easy as there are no advanced prototyping software for VR. I went for a mix of 2D prototyping in Figma and rough 3D iterations in Gravity Sketch itself. The proposals were handed to stakeholders and developers in slides in additions to meetings in virtual reality where we could easily test the mockups.

Developers then built a few MVPs to test with experienced users. Interviews were good to validate most of our choices ( there was a good feedback and we could observe a smother experience with files, folders and space awareness ), and we also learnt where we could further improve in certain areas.

Final Release
Iterations and testing went on for a couple of months until we decided to release the new lobby.
Interface Iterations
Final Release
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