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UI Design | UX Design | Web Design | Icon Design | Cloud Platform
Project Overview
Landing Pad is the cloud storage and sharing solution of Gravity Sketch. It allows Gravity Sketch users to save and store their GS files in the cloud and make them accessible from everywhere. It also serves as storage for reference images and 3D assets ready to be imported into Gravity Sketch.
When it was launched, it was very essential in terms of design and functionality, so the company decided to improve the platform to meet Gravity Sketch growing user base and their needs.
User Engagement and Feedback
To better understand our user needs, we engaged a lot with Gravity Sketch extensive user base on various channels like Instagram, Discord and Slack. We run surveys and interviewed a large number of users and came up with a list of pain points and requests.
The final goal of the platform redesign was to make it easier for users to manage and organise their files. Based on user responses, we determined 5 major features that would dramatically improve the platform:
Creating Folders: users need to organise their files in folders.
File Renaming: GS users iterate a lot on their creations, and they end up having their files piling up. A renaming feature was needed to better organise their files.
Sorting Options: Again, finding files can be hard when they start to grow in number, They wished they had the option to sort files by name, size, date of creation, last modified.
File move to location: Since we introduced the folder feature, we also made possible to move file to the desired folder by drag and drop.
3D Preview: Last feature, that ended up being a big separate project, was to allow users to preview their 3D creation directly on the platform, being able to zoom in/zoom out, rotate and change lighting and environment.
We also took the decision to redesign the platform interface, making it look more professional, aesthetically pleasant, and intuitive.
Design, collaboration, beta and testing
The platform foundations were already there, so we worked on top of the existent information architecture and we kept pretty much the same structure.
The work was a collective effort between me ( design ) , front end developers and back end engineers. We used Figma as design tool, which has a very smooth ''live'' collaboration system. In this way we cut the front end developer waiting time, as they could see live the design iterations I was making, and start thinking and preparing the code to make it happen. Also, we could quickly build and test little sections of the platform by publishing a beta version ( weekly ) and testing it internally. Back end team was there to support us for any technical and structural blockage we encountered.
Once we completed and tested most of the platform, we published the beta version and informed the users of the changes. After a week since the publication, we saw a massive increase in platform usage, with peaks in folder creations, file moving, file renaming and file sorting..
User Interface
To make users quickly identify their files, we introduced file previews ( thumbnails ). As the visuals were so prominent, we decided to approach the user interface as minimal and clean as we could. The UI was strongly inspired to Material Design system, using light colours and thin icons. Purple is Gravity Sketch brand primary colour, so we included it in the platform palette to keep the identity.
Icons and Components

3D Files preview

Screen samples

Platform release
We then spent 2 months gathering and analysing data coming from the beta release. Data confirmed that we went in the right direction with our choices so we decided to release the new platform for all GS users.
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